i-doit Add-on API
You integrate applications, automate workflows and develop add-ons.
- Access to i-doit by JSON RPC programming interface
- All data can be read and written
- Real-time access via external software or own programming
- Integration into existing ITSM process landscapes

The JSON-RPC interface of i-doit enables process and data integration
The i-doit API add-on enables the access to the entire i-doit data base by JSON-RPC programming interface. Permissions are considered when accessing, the API user can access the same data as when he is sitting in front of the screen. All data can be read and written as well. CMDB data is available to other tools and processes almost real-time.
When do you use the i-doit API add-on?
From the simple script to the complete ITSM environment – the comprehensive API allows developers and integrators to integrate i-doit CMDB data into their processes. This feature is used by a lot of customers and many i-doit developing partners who offer a wide ITSM portfolio around i-doit.
i-doit is the data hub for those processes in the company that are dependent on current documentation data or deliver these. With the API add-on you get close to the federated data model defined in ITIL®. But not only in IT Service Management data integration is essential. Also, Facility Management, Finance and HR require and supply information, that plays a role in i-doit as documentation platform. Keeping the database up-to-date in near real time is becoming more and more the key factor in the processes of a company.
Who do we recommend the use of the API add-on for?
Organizations that have development capabilities, especially with DevOps orientation, benefit from API access to the CMDB and short-term implementation of new requirements. This enables the complete spectrum of process automation with data from the central documentation. For those organizations without their own development resources our development partners are ready for the implementation of individual solutions. In this case, it is also possible to conclude a maintenance contract with the particular i-doit partner.
Examples and success stories
There are enough success stories of i-doit users: from their own GUIs, to a console operation of i-doit to an automated documentation of the entire server landscape using a script library: Everything you can imagine is possible in most cases.
Pricing & support
This add-on is available free of charge. Support is covered by the i-doit Basic support option.
Do you have any questions on this add-on?
If you need more information about this add-on, please send us a message. We will contact you in a timely manner.