Kreiselement Tab - 650x550 – 1 - IT Security

Optimise your IT infrastructure with i-doit

The IT infrastructure must be able to keep pace with the company's growth. This means that systems, networks and applications must be scalable to cope with increasing loads and user numbers.

If your company is faced with the challenge of modernising outdated IT systems and efficiently managing a growing IT infrastructure, i-doit is the right solution. i-doit helps you to document IT assets and optimise network infrastructures.

Seamless end-to-end IT asset management and documentation

Say goodbye to confusing Excel spreadsheets. With i-doit's import tools, such as the i-doit CSV import or the API, you can seamlessly convert existing data into a more efficient and manageable format. Document everything from cables and patching to licences and contracts. This allows you to efficiently improve your company's IT structure.

Visualisation and planning of network infrastructure


Data protection and IT compliance

With i-doit, you can ensure that all data is handled and protected in accordance with the latest data protection laws. Information on software licences and contracts is centrally maintained and available in the database for retrieval at any time. 

Integrated data security

Protect growing volumes of data and ensure compliance with global data protection standards to minimise the risk of data loss and security breaches.

Set up IT infrastructure

Use i-doit for detailed planning and documentation of your network infrastructure. This allows you to set up the IT infrastructure of your growing company correctly. i-doit offers comprehensive functions and add-ons for IP address or cabling management as well as the visualisation of rack views.

Scalable IT systems

Ensure that the IT infrastructure can grow with your company without any loss of performance.


Detailed floor plans

With the i-doit Floorplan add-on, you can visualise your WLAN structure and assign devices to physical locations in order to plan and optimise the IT infrastructure effectively.

Improved data quality

Centralised data management with i-doit ensures up-to-date, accessible and secure information.

Standardisation and consistence

Implement company-wide IT standards to ensure efficiency and consistency across all departments.

IT document management

Create important IT documents directly from the CMDB by simply pressing a button. Generate handover protocols for hardware or emergency plans easily and quickly and export them as PDFs.

Efficient management of remote work and decentralised teams

i-doit solutions for growing companies!

Collaboration and remote working

Support remote working and manage decentralised teams with powerful collaboration tools and network solutions from i-doit to ensure smooth workflows.


Leading change management

Optimise change management to ensure that technological and procedural changes are communicated and implemented effectively.

Automation and reporting

Automate security monitoring and reporting to ensure that all system components comply with current security standards.


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Online Demo Demo

Test i-doit easily and for free in our online demo

In our online demo, you can test all the functions of i-doit and familiarise yourself with the user interface. Intuitively create exemplary IT documentation for various use cases in your IT organisation. Convince yourself!

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i-doit_pro i-doit

Test all functions locally for 30 days free of charge

You have the opportunity to test i-doit with all its functions free of charge for 30 days. Either as a local virtual machine or as an installation under Windows or Linux. Find out where i-doit can help you. Find out more about the free trial version now!

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Test i-doit locally now

i-doit_cloud i-doit Cloud 

Test free of charge in a personal cloud instance

Use a private i-doit cloud instance with all functions and many useful add-ons. Convince yourself of the numerous configuration options.  Test i-doit free of charge for 30 days with your personal data and individual use cases! 

i-doit cloud testen
Test i-doit Cloud now
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