CMDB - Whitepaper

The roadmap to success for your CMDB

7 myths around CMDB projects and what you can learn from them


Debunk common mistakes in thinking about your CMDB project and get started

"We need a CMDB!"

You have heard this sentence before – in one way or another. But as simple as this project seems to be, the greater the nervousness becomes when the project does not run as expected. Then the moment has come where many myths around the CMDB have their origin. Perhaps the most common myth: it is impossible to build a CMDB.

Put an end to myths, sagas and legends around the CMDB. In this 30-page guide, you will receive valuable tips on how to build a functioning CMDB in your company in a clear and entertaining way.

Learn what makes a CMDB successful and be ahead of the critics

The introduction of a CMDB is a big project. We designed this whitepaper as a cheat sheet for you so that you don't have to make every mistake yourself. Besides the 7 most common myths around the CDMB in a fact check, you will receive:

  • convincing arguments for your CMDB project
  • important tips for planning your CMDB
  • solutions for typical mistakes when setting up a CMDBEine CMDB? Das haben wir versucht. Das funktioniert nicht!"

"A CMDB? We tried that. It didn't work!"
If the CMDB project is not treated as a project, the CMDB is doomed to fail from the start. The impression: building a CMDB is impossible. We show you how to make the benefits for your entire company visible to everyone. New motivation for the project is guaranteed.

"A CMDB cannot be kept up to date!"
It's always a question of preparation. Create a plan for the right data, priorities and responsibilities with numerous expert tips. You will see: An up-to-date CMDB is not magic.

"It all just costs time and money".
True! First of all, a CMDB means additional effort. But see for yourself why it's worth it and what potential savings await your company.

"All data must be in the CMDB!"
Here, too, there are several possibilities. Find your "point of truth" with our suggestions - the right mix of different data sources for your company.

"We have a discovery. That's enough for documentation."
This does indeed sound tempting. However, it will also lead to big problems. Would you like to know why Discovery does not replace a CMDB? And why discovery and IT documentation complement each other perfectly. You will find the answers in the e-book.

"The trainee can do the documentation. That's quite enough."
You can probably already guess that this is not the best solution. Our e-book gives an overview of the necessary roles and responsibilities in a CMDB project.

"Building a CMDB? We can do that alongside."
At the latest, once the project has failed, it is realised: It does not work "on the side". It is a project. A structured approach is important. We explain what you should pay attention to.

One last step to the CMDB success plan.

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